Had our lovely neighbour, Eileen, knock on the door about five minutes ago clutching naughty Nugget who had somehow managed to get over the fence. We may have to keep a close eye on any further escape attempts by our free ranging ladies!
Half a dozen of our latest deliveries were despatched as a suitable apology. She also mentioned that she had seen a fox in her garden last week so the guard dogs are on full alert!
About Me

- CampervanChef
- Welcome to the new Campervan Chef blog! This started out life as a blog called 'Kylie's Kitchen' and ran out of steam some time ago. Since then life has changed and Kylie's Kitchen as it stood is no more. I started out as an an enthusiastic home cook but now work as a chef and cook for others in all sorts of situations. You'll find out more about this side of me if you keep tabs on my scribbles on here. I blog about food and cooking, life, family, friends and pets. I will also be keeping you up to date with our travels to our second home; the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos and the dog shelter we support there. Join us as our journey through life continues...
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