Another warm day. I worked all morning in the kitchen of a local lunch club and by the time I got home around 1.30pm I was well frazzled. Half an hour in the garden after that and I was done for the day so we decided on another light supper. We had some salad to use up from yesterday and a glut of eggs from the girls so decided on yet another frittata/tortilla.
A quick trip into town, a visit to Wendywoo's mum and dad and home with a few new potatoes which we'd run out of...and the scene was set!
I followed the basic onion, garlic and potato base from the last time but on this occasion I stirred a couple of sliced cooking chorizo sausages into the softening onions before adding the sliced cooked new potatoes.
Once this was all ready to go I lightly beat half a dozen of the girls' best endeavours, seasoned and added evenly all over the mixture in the pan, This was left on a medium heat for five minutes and then placed in a 180* oven until nicely set. Because I had brushed the cooking oil all over the pan right at the start it didn't stick at all and slid nicely off the pan onto a plate for cutting.
Served with garlic mushrooms to which had been added half a teaspoonful of smoked paprika to tie it in to the tortilla (yes on this occasion it has to be a tortilla due to the chorizo!) and as an afterthought I bunged in the remainder of the boiled new potatoes to make a substantial side. Green salad completed the non-salad dodger meal.
Love, love, love it x