They all disappeared off (after doing the washing up - good lads!) to put the covers on their new EP 'Rat Race'. This band is well worth looking out for and their music is top notch - the EP's a great listen ( but they're even better live! You can follow them on twitter as well - @thewrongens - and that way you'll be up-to-date with all their local gigs, merchandise etc.
Rumour has it they'll be busking outside Waterstone's in TW on Friday while David Attenborough signs copies of his new book. They aim to raise money to buy the book and anything left over will be donated to The Hospice in the Weald. So spread the word and if you see them - give generously!
So back to the guinea fowl.
Yesterday I made a stock from the bones. Into a pan went about two litres cold water and the two stripped carcasses. To this was added a roughly chopped leek, carrot and stick of celery. In went a couple of chopped onions, a bay leaf and some seasoning. Brought to the boil, covered and left to simmer for about an hour. When cool I strained off the veg and refrigerated overnight.
Little goes to waste in this house - the stock veg was used to top up the dogs' meals this evening!
For the soup I cooked up three large potatoes, a carrot and a leek; all diced/chopped to roughly the same size. When the vegetables were soft I blitzed the soup and then in went three diced sweet potatoes, another chopped leek, some leftover curly kale from the fridge and a handful of 'topped and tailed' chantenay carrots. Once all cooked through I bunged in all he leftover guinea fowl which had been stripped off the carcasses prior to the stock being made and let it warm through. A touch of seasoning to taste and then served.
Sam and I had ours sprinkled with mature cheddar and chunks of artisan bread on the side whilst The Woo knocked up a couple of slices of her magical cheese on toast to go with hers.
An absolute winter warmer that went down a treat!
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