The drive down was through some pretty miserable weather and Steve's texts were all about how nothing was flying at the moment. We arrived at their house, almost spitting distance from the airport, just after twelve and it was still pretty murky with a rainy haze over the surrounding hills. A cup of coffee later and we decided that we'd go anyway and risk the twenty quid each entrance fee. This was to be my first airshow. I used to live not far from Biggin Hill and had a free view for a couple of years but this was the first time I was actually going. I was quite excited to be honest.
A very short drive to a secret parking spot known only to the locals and a short walk for us and drive for Lesley; on her all terrain buggy which Steve had ingeniously made for her by souping up a golf trolley. Clever bloke, eh? Every other chair user we met during the day was absolutely green with envy!
During our first half hour inside the weather started to clear a bit and I optimistically decreed that there would be blue sky about an hour it had cleared enough and stuff started flying. Not quite the blazing azure dome I had predicted but I'm sure I did see one blue patch!
There were some acrobatic bits and pieces and a Battle of Britain tribute which was pretty well done but the highlights for me were the wing walkers, Dad's Army, the Catalina sea plane and, of course, the Avro Vulcan.

We'll be taking the pooches down soon for a mass dog walk and to see how Lesley's chair performs on the sand
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