About Me

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Welcome to the new Campervan Chef blog! This started out life as a blog called 'Kylie's Kitchen' and ran out of steam some time ago. Since then life has changed and Kylie's Kitchen as it stood is no more. I started out as an an enthusiastic home cook but now work as a chef and cook for others in all sorts of situations. You'll find out more about this side of me if you keep tabs on my scribbles on here. I blog about food and cooking, life, family, friends and pets. I will also be keeping you up to date with our travels to our second home; the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos and the dog shelter we support there. Join us as our journey through life continues...

Monday, 17 September 2012

On blackberries

Dog walking this time of year is so pleasant.  Not only is the weather absolutely gorgeous at the moment but there's a handful of food to be had at every turn.  The rosehips and hawthorn berries are red and succulent and just waiting for the first decent frost to then be picked and made into something delightful, useful and FREE!  But the pick of the season has got to be the amazingly versatile blackberry.

We have an apple and blackberry crumble planned for the Luncheon Club tomorrow and have a bowlful sitting in the fridge ready to hoover down with some Rum and Raisin ice cream picked up at the Hadlow Farm Shop a few days ago.  Sadly this evening we're a bit full up from a 'welcome home, Sam' sausage pasta but maybe tomorrow?

Also we're planning a demijohn of blackberry vodka and maybe a repeat of the blackberry spiced rum from the year before last.  Just waiting for the new bungs to arrive by post and then all will be revealed!

The best bit about blackberries, though, is just reaching a hand out as you pass a bush and grabbing one or two to munch on as you go...my own favourite late summer harvest.
Tantalisingly just out of reach behind a fence!

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