A long dog walk in the early autumn sunshine/wind was definitely needed to blow away the cobwebs.
Omelettes for breakfast; courtesy of the girls, then on with the wellies and out in the fresh air. It was a glorious morning; mild and almost sunny with the briefest of gentle breezes.
Perfect weather to get the hounds good and tired for our planned afternoon of doing absolutely nothing!
Freya and Bobby did a fair impersonation of Peppa Pig by jumping up and down in muddy puddles so we headed for a tour round the Bonfire Field for a good swim in the stream. They had a whale of a time. Even Flora managed to get more than her feet wet this time!
Not unusually though a certain Miniature Schnauzer is absent from any photo involving proximity to water!!
It's hard to imagine that our 'pack' have only merged since a little over two years ago. My Springer, Bobby, was a rescue dog that I promised myself when I first gave up full-time work. I met The Woo and her pack of girls and my little boy dog act as if they have been together for years. Freya; particularly, and Bobby are the firmest of friends.
Home across the muddy fields for a well-deserved cuppa before saying goodbye to the family then off out shopping for me as The Woo has requested her favourite sausage pasta for supper. Picked up some reduced pig cheeks as a treat for the dogs as well!
A lovely afternoon watching some re-runs of Rick Stein's Food Heroes and a bit of reading before heading for the kitchen to get the sauce on.
A perfect Sunday so far.