Ross, of Ross and the Wrongens fame, came over for supper this evening. He is the song writer, lead singer and guitarist for one of the bands for which Sam is the drummer (Ross and the Wrongens if you hadn't guessed already!). He'd never had mussels so it was time for The Woo to take over the cooking duties and rustle up her usual shellfish storm.
With her moules we had pommes frites, courtesy of moi, and some good crusty bread. All went down rather well.
Incidentally, Ross and the Wrongens are a great local band. Have a look for them on YouTube - or even better - fork out some cash and download some of their stuff from iTunes - or even better still - see them live - I guarantee you'll have a great evening!
About Me

- CampervanChef
- Welcome to the new Campervan Chef blog! This started out life as a blog called 'Kylie's Kitchen' and ran out of steam some time ago. Since then life has changed and Kylie's Kitchen as it stood is no more. I started out as an an enthusiastic home cook but now work as a chef and cook for others in all sorts of situations. You'll find out more about this side of me if you keep tabs on my scribbles on here. I blog about food and cooking, life, family, friends and pets. I will also be keeping you up to date with our travels to our second home; the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos and the dog shelter we support there. Join us as our journey through life continues...
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