This is our beautiful Standard Poodle; Flora. Flora is 14 years old, almost blind and mad as a box of frogs. We think she's a bit like 'Patsy' in AbFab. We love her dearly, though. She struggles a bit with her mobility these days but she still gives it a go running after the youngsters. At the moment she's being walked separately from the others as it's a bit muddy over the fields and she's not great at keeping upright but come the Spring she'll be well and truly back with the pack.

...and so to the aforementioned Bobby; our English Springer Spaniel. Bobby is a 6 year old rescue dog and was originally mine before I met Woo. You wouldn't think that now as she is his firm favourite and the only time I get any attention is either when she is out, busy or I have food! Bobby is a renowned thief who will steal any food, any how, any where...he has actually been witnessed stealing whole cheeses from the breakfast bar during one of our famous (or is it notorious?) cheese and wine parties. A loveable rogue about sums this one up.

Finally we come to Kouki. Named after the beautiful Koukinaries Beach on the island; she came to us in the early summer last year. We holidayed there, as usual, in June and fell in love with her at first sight. She's as bright as a button and within a few seconds on her first walk with us identified which pocket I had the treats in and spent the entire time trying to mug me! Kouki has what I would describe as an 'independent spirit' - she's a right little minx!! She's probably an even more prolific thief than Bobby and we have had to completely 'Kouki-proof' the kitchen cupboards, the shoe cupboard; in fact we can't leave anything, literally anything, lying about. It's like having a two year old child in the house. Kouki's two main claims to fame are - teaching the others how to chew through six cans of dog food and eat the contents - and climbing up onto the breakfast bar and eating some chicken which had been left there as a trap. We actually caught her on the kitchen Mac which had been cunningly turned into a CCTV camera by The Woo!
So that's our pack. We might be completely mad having five dogs (and the cats - don't even get me started on the cats!) but they fill every day with joy and we love them to bits.
PS If you want to find out more about the Skiathos Dog Shelter and the wonderful work done by Jan, Lee, Bob, Lou and their volunteer helpers you can search for it on Facebook.
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